Thursday, July 2, 2009

Let's Start With First Making A Blog! Without One, You Won't Make Any Money On Blogger

Perhaps blogging is not your thing- but guess what, a simple blog could earn you a really decent pair of shoes at the month, or better yet, some new makeup, or how about your blog being responsible for paying your cell phone bill?

Maybe you have higher hopes, but unfortunately you have to start small, and work your way up. As you go along though, you will learn even more and more ways to turn your simple free blog into a money making side job.

First you have to START A BLOG!

See the one you have landed on here? This is a blog. You too can join.

Now start your blog. It's simple really. Later on I will show you how get a nice custom template like the one you see here. First though, let's start off small.

Chose a template, any will do really. We can upgrade this gem later on.

For about 15 days blog about whatever it is you want. If you like dogs, blog about dogs. If you want a blog to be more like a diary, go ahead. Anything you want, and everything you want.

A lot of people will say to stick to one general thing to talk about, but I personally have learned that jumping around is okay too.

Many popular blogs include cooking recipes, and crafts. Some focus on teen life, others branch into the realm of the paranormal. If you want to mash all of that into one, go ahead. It's your choice, and don't let anyone tell you what works and what doesn't.

The biggest thing I have learned about blogging is that it is not worth the time if you are not having fun. I like to have fun with my blog, as well as make a few bucks with it at the end of the day.

Anyhow, now that you have set up your blog, poke away at the keyboard for a few days, or weeks. Have around 15 blog posts in there.

Once you have your blog set up, you can now begin to process ways into turning your fun little side writing hobby, into a money making pit.

You will now want to join Google!

Register your blog, and wait, wait, wait.

Eventually you should get a letter in your email from google letting you know that you were accepted.

You can now incorporate google ads into your blog. These ads are what makes you money. Google Ads are not the only money making avenue when it comes to blogging. There are other ways you can use your blog to make money. But today I will focus on Google Ads.

Adding Google Ads To Your Blogger Blog

Once you have been approved you can now go to your blogger blog, and go to your dashboard. Pick LAYOUTS and wait for the page to load.

You will see a tab on your page that says ADD A GADGET. Click this, and look for the the one that says ADSENSE.

You click this, and you will now have the option to choose what you want the ads to look like as far as colors go. Sit back and let Google do the rest. You can add more if you want.

A Tip- Play around with the colors for a nice effective banner.

Now that you have learned how to add Google Adsense. Next time I will show you how to go about setting up Google Analytics in order to keep track of how many hits, and which keywords are taking people to your blog. This is a nice little feature from Google that allows you to keep an eye on what is going on. What is popular on your blog, and what isn't.